VOLUNTEERS Needed! (Desperately!)
Are you looking for a way to be a part of the Body Positive Movement?
We would LOVE your help at Big Beautiful Wellness!! There are 3 IMMEDIATE ways to help.. Continue reading
The most FAT WOMEN anywhere!!
And here we are..
16,500 WOMEN are Facebook fans
of Big Beautiful Wellness!
Size 28 – Fat Girl INSPIRATION!
Active at ANY Size!
(yes, including size 28)
“For Mother’s Day, my daughters and I did the Forzani Mother’s Day 5km Walk & Run.
FAT Women Fighting
When the only thing we have in common is being FAT.. how do we build a supportive, accepting community?
It seems to me that there are too many FAT women telling other FAT women that the way they choose to LIVE in their FAT bodies is WRONG?!
Lane Bryant #I’mNoAngel
SexyPlus Clothing talks #ImNoAngel
The Lane Bryant campaign is all over social media, with the slogan #ImNoAngel.
Have you seen it? What are your thoughts?
Here’s what Stefanie from SexyPlus Clothing thinks!
Something to Say
By Kyla Palin
Alright, I’ve got something to say and I’ve been searching for a way to explain it. Are you seated comfortably? Good. We’ll begin. See, here’s the thing;
Seeing fashionable, well photographed, curvy models has altered my perception of my own beauty.
Allow me to explain. Continue reading
Embrace the Human Landscape
By: Michaela Helliwell
I love looking at myself naked in the mirror.
I do it every morning, and sometimes at night. That sleepy walk into the bathroom first thing in the morning. Jammies stripped and put away. I wander past the mirror in my bathroom. I always stop and look at myself. Continue reading
Your Body Type Can Make or Break Sex
By Dr. Trina Read
“I deliberately overeat to give my body the most voluptuous contours I can acquire. Growing fatter is one of the most intensely sensuous things that I have ever experienced.” Margaret Deidre O’Hartingan
Over coffee I asked a friend what she found attractive about her boyfriend. A dreamy look crossed over her eyes while she explained his thighs were like tree trunks. Excitedly, she went on to say how she loved to watch him do squats at the gym with a lot of weight on the barbell because it made the veins in his legs and arms stand out. Luckily she was too far gone in her lust fueled daydream to notice my gagging reflex start up. Continue reading
A Fat Girl and Yoga
By Kyla Palin
Yoga isn’t supposed to fill you with rage and self-loathing right?
That thought, as it flashed through my mind, was the end of the line for me with my love affair with yoga. For a while. Continue reading
Every Body is a Yoga Body
by Tiina Veer, Founder of Yoga for Round Bodies™
There is a myth out there that one has to have a certain kind of body to do yoga. This is simply untrue. Yoga—if you’ll excuse the bad pun—is extremely flexible. It can be adapted for anyone. As the saying goes, “if you can breathe, you can do yoga.” Continue reading