Share Your Story
Here is your opportunity to share YOUR STORY! Use the form below and get your storypublished on our website.
Please open your heart and share the journey you have experienced as a PLUS SIZE WOMAN.
Your submission can be one line or as long as it takes to convey your authentic experience. It is important that you try to be as honest as possible.
This is your chance to TALK to your plus size sisters and share your insights, struggles, wisdom, history, ideas, discoveries, hurdles, humour!
Your see, the boundaries are wide open! So, please submit your story below and it will be posted within a few days. Ideally, please attach a picture with your contribution.
I have been so honoured by the honest stories that Plus Size women have shared with me since launching Big Beautiful Wellness™, I hope you will now share them with everyone else.
Thank you,
Liz McCallum
Founder: Big Beautiful Wellness™
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